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The whole Woman

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23

In the Old Testament, most women were always at the background of what was taking place. They were hardly at the forefront. Due to erroneous teachings, women have been robbed of who they are called to be, thinking they don’t have a preeminent place in the society and in the Church. Christ in His present- day ministry is restoring women to their place of pre-eminence.

Failure to know the design of God, will lead to us not living with God’s design hence living by default. The Love of God apprehended us and made us women that we may live a life of dominion. This can only be attained if we are balanced. We are spirit, we possess a soul and we live in a body. The spirit is the seat of God-consciousness; the soul is the seat of self-consciousness, the realm of emotions – fear, worries etc.; the body is the seat of world-consciousness. Our body interacts with the world and it goes where the soul wants to go. It is therefore important there to be agreement between our spirit, soul and body.

When there is instability in the soul, when our soul is dominated by our fears, worries, disappointment, guilt and our past, it hinders our fellowship with God our Father, in the realm of the spirit and our fulfilment in the body. What happens in your psychological life will affect your world, your performance, your efficiency, and relation towards others. The wholeness of the woman deals with the state of her soul. The body is neutral and simply carries out what happens in the soul. When you are dominated by your consciousness of God, the body follows. If you are dominated by a deficient psychological life, the body will follow as well.

Our wholeness is linked to our understanding of who we are and what we were created to be. It has to do with what we believe, what we keep in our mind. You only experience what you are most persuaded of. What you believe about God is what you will experience; likewise, what you believe about yourself is what you will experience. The mind is the gateway to everything that happens in our lives. It is where victories and failures are believed. How you feed your mind will impact your body. What you hear is therefore very crucial.

Until a woman has encountered Christ, she is not who she is called to be. Christ alone is able to define you and introduce you to who you truly are, that is, His representation. He alone, in His identification with us has the power of exchange, whereby He takes away our shame and gives us His own image; He takes away our fear and insecurity and gives us His consolation and peace; He takes away hatred and infuses us with His own love. This is the beginning of wholeness. For there to be a holistic balance, the spirit, soul and body need to be ministered to, united together with the person of Christ.

The balance in the soul would require you being renewed in your mind (Rom. 12:1-2). The world has its way of thinking. For instance, they would consider that a fulfilled woman is one who is married and has a successful career. But, in the heart of every single person on earth, God has placed a desire that only He alone can fulfil. In creating us in His image, He bound us to His life. The things you possess will never determine who you are. Christ alone can define who you are. Our transformation does not come from anything exterior. There is a great person in you that you ought to discover and that person can never be made manifest apart from Christ.

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