All things freely given pt1

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Recents Post.

All things freely given pt1

Grace is given to all but it is only according to our participation that we receive the measure of the gift of Christ.

“[…] But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ

The plan of the Father from the beginning was to share His life with us.

Through Christ’s incarnation, we were enriched with everything that was made by life. The life of Christ isn’t His body. It is not His existence nor His breath but it is His essence, the very essence of God. He gave us what He was from the beginning and that by which all things were made.

Grace is given to all but it is only according to our participation that we receive the measure of the gift of Christ. What you apprehend about Christ in you, determines how you appropriate what you heard and know of Him. To listen to this podcast, please follow