Fellowship With Ps Robbie Litzman

We were honored to have a webinar with Ps Robbie Litzman during which she shared the In-Christ Message with us. The Christ-life is the Liberating eternal Life which starts when the born-again believer receives Christ. The believer is free to live by God’s Spirit, understanding the Spirit of Christ living within is his only righteousness, his very life.

In the midst of a successful preaching career, Warren Litzman’s teaching was diverted in 1958 when the Holy Spirit began teaching him Apostle Paul’s message of Christ living in believers as their only life, their only righteousness, their only “hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). This message captured Warren’s heart, and he dedicated his life to leading believers to a more intimate relationship with God as their Heavenly Father through His Son, Christ, living within.

Warren’s extensive career includes ministering more than 50 years and founding Grace Fellowship International, Christ-life Fellowship, and Christ-life Publishing House. Warren and Robbie traveled worldwide 30+ years, teaching hungry Christians their hope is within. Warren published more than 50 years of Life in the Son quarterly magazine (formerly Life in the Spirit magazine) and more than 30 books. He produced hundreds of CD and DVD teaching messages. His teachings are available at www.christ-life.org. Our Heavenly Father called Warren to glory in 2019, and Robbie now continues with Christ-life Fellowship and traveling to fellowship meetings to spread this beautiful and liberating message through the Christ-life materials and network.

During this online fellowship session with Ps Robbie, we discovered the practicality of the life in Christ. This life is not about religion nor about trying to please God but it is about being born again which requires re-learning what it means to have God’s incorruptible seed, Christ, in you. In this journey of growth, you move away from wanting to be right to learn Christ. He will reveal His word to you and as you grow in the consciousness of His indwelling, He will equally help you discover the Holy Trinity. Christ has always being in you all the time. He was waiting patiently for you to come to know Him as your wisdom, peace, knowledge, power. God is faithful and He will never leave you. He wants to have an intimate relationship with Him as you “Abba Father”. He doesn’t want you to live in fear; His focus is not on sin nor on your shortcomings. The life that we live now in Christ is Eternal Life. For more, please watch this video. Bourse vidéo avec Ps Robbie Litzman – Heart to Hearts (heartohearts.org)

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