Mothers of Nations #Kinshasa_RDC

There is a sound that must resound in families, nations, and the world but the impact of this sound is determined by our understanding of the finished work of Christ and our identity in Him. Without the eyes of our understanding being enlightened, it will be difficult for us to give a clear sound to our world. There is an inner transformation that happens when we embrace God’s love for us. It is more profound than what is seen with our physical eyes. There can be no outer manifestation if there is no transformation within.

The glorious Church is rising, and women are an integral part of it. Though it may feel like nothing is changing externally, the Lord Himself is working in us. There is an acceleration of God’s plan because He is removing the veil of ignorance about our participation in His house to give way to the radiance of the image of Christ in us.

When Christ was incarnate, He came as the Lord of the Sabbath; the Lord of rest, because all things are already fulfilled in Him. He is the One in, through, and by whom all things were made in God the Father, before creation. In His presence, there is abundant life, peace, refreshing, and wholeness. Christ is the logic of God, the Word made flesh; He reveals God’s mind, His personality, His love. He gives us a new perspective of life and a new mindset. Abundant life is in the Son (1 John 5: 11), and He now lives His Life in us. Excerpt from Day 1 of Mothers of Nations Congo Kinshasa.


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