Mother of Nations # Limbe

Our growth in Christ is not a process but it is to know, reckon, and respond; being filled full with the fullness of God. Since Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, we know Him. God Himself enables us to know Him from within and it is by the Holy Spirit that we know all things. Being in awe of the undefiled love of God is the place where we know all things. We know that we are grounded in His love, and we acknowledge that He is in us. It is only in a state of rest that we acknowledge God’s treasures, His wisdom, sanctification, and righteousness that settles us in right standing within (1 Corinthians 1: 30). How we acquaint ourselves with the life of God in us will determine our rest of faith and our way of thinking. When a woman responds to the stimulus of God, she learns to appreciate the rest of God, rediscover His indwelling, and the awe of His presence. She becomes one who honors and appreciates the sacramental. Unlearn responding to external stimuli and learn to respond to God with praise, trust, and honor. That is our divine response to Him. During this program, God is training us because there is a disposition to receive His infinite mind. Make room for what is infinite. Know the experiential love of God, reckon yourselves as liberated, and healed, and learn to yield to Him as His bondservant. Excerpt from Mothers of Nations, day 1.

What feeds us from within is what we manifest. What we acknowledge becomes our experience. God wants us to be nurtured by Christ within because when our soul receives the flow of the Spirit of God in us, this harmony between our spirit and soul translates into the wholeness of our body. Disharmony happens when there is no participation between the Holy Spirit in us and our spirit. This happens when we run away from God’s opinion of us which is His glory; His life in us. The glory of God is experienced within our hearts, before being pushed forth from inside outwardly for all to see the expression of Christ- which is grace. Grace beautifies us. Sin is “hamartia” in the Greek and it means a false or mistaken identity; It is rejecting God’s opinion of us as His sons, conformed to Him to choose a self-portrait that is contrary to what God knows. It is only God who can introduce us to our authentic selves that He knows, and He does so by introducing us to Christ in us who is our life. Life is more than breathing; it is in the Son. When you understand this mystery revealed in Christ Jesus, you start walking in the new era, which is the new creation; Christ in you the hope of Glory. We are fed by Christ to the fullness and when this nurture is converted into our souls that is when our transformation begins. The heart of God in this dispensation is that we may know Christ, and experience Him from within. Nothing can ever disqualify us from knowing Christ. There is an excellency of His knowledge which is that we are found in Him, acknowledging all good things that are in us, that are also in Him, not having any righteousness of our own but acknowledging that He is our righteousness (Philippians 3:8-9). The Lord has given us the fullness of Him and He is our sanctification. He has separated us from within for a greater purpose, which is sacred. We learn to rest in Him, allowing this knowledge of Christ to sink within us knowing that the things of God are worthy to be adored. When we appreciate the gift of God, that is when we receive direction, and His wisdom, and the rest is history. Excerpt of Mothers of Nations Limbe, day 2.


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