Our differents extensions

Mothers of Nations

"The world is waiting for women who will stand in the fullness of what God has called them to be, and who will allow themselves to be on fire for God's Mission and Purpose for humanity." Mothers of Nations has been founder by Dr Annie Smith to impact Women and their Community.

A3 Women Conference

Always Above All (A3) Leadership conference for our spiritual and socio-professional development”. This unprecedented event was hosted by 4 exceptional guess speakers in Cameroon and Congo–Brazzaville. Each speaker used her skills of expertise to speak about various significant topics.

Theosis Higher Institute

An educational organization that has as mission to "Reclaim the ancient Apostolic and Patristic vision of the Cosmic and Universal Lordship of Jesus Christ."

Chosen Women Association, Cameroon Chapter

The Association of Chosen Women extends beyond borders. Its vision is enlarged to raise a generation of women leaders who distinguish themselves and impact their generations in an environment where God wants to reveal Himself and save lives. The Association of Chosen Women is now officially present in Cameroon 🇨🇲. Under the supervision of Reverend Dr. Annie SMITH , President of the Association of Chosen Women of Cameroon.

Christ Commission International

Christ Commission International is an International Gathering of Ministers of the Gospel of Christ with the mandate to train, equip and raise New Testament Ministers to minister the Gospel of Grace with Grace.

Youth Social Development Program

Youth Social Development Program (YSODEP), is an association promoting civic leadership among youth. Each year, on the occasion of the Youth Day, the YSODEP team visits colleges and high schools to teach students to discover and realize the dream that God has put in them

A New World Altogether

New World Altogether (NWA), a humanitarian organization whose goal is to assist vulnerable segments of society including orphans, widows, and hospitalized people. Each year, NWA makes sure to put a smile on the faces of orphans at the beginning of the school year and inmates at Easter.

Festival of Blessings

The festival of blessing presents the primordial purpose of God for humanity, that is, Christ Jesus, who we are in Him not just historically, but from the cosmic origin of mankind; it is about the peace of God, the blessedness that comes from being in harmony with God, with oneself and with others…”. Dr. Shawn Smith

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