About Heart to Hearts
As sons of God, we are the living stones that constitute the building of the Church, and the whole weight that sustains the Church is on the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, for He alone is the chief cornerstone of His Body, the Church. The mission of the Church is to embody the purpose of God revealed in Christ and bring it to manifestation in this world. Each of us has a specific place for beautifying the whole building, and God brings us together to make the edifice beautiful – we therefore believe that our communion in the bond of the Holy Spirit is of great significance for the fulfillment of God’s plan on earth.
The Lord Jesus Christ has shared with us everything the Father has shown Him, making us His friends. In Him, we are filled with the manifold wisdom and knowledge of God, for Christ is the love-plan of God, His treasury. Everything we are looking for, is already fulfilled in His being. In Him, we are “plero”; complete, fulfilled, satisfied by the Holy Spirit. Although we are already filled with the fullness of Him, there is a work to be done within us to see Christ because we cannot experience Him with our intellect, our mind nor by works but from the heart. Through our hearts, we learn to continually perceive and access everything Christ has been made in us by the Spirit. Our Spirit mirrors God and it feeds the heart with the Divine Truth of the Word received. When the heart receives from the Spirit, it automatically awakens to God, thus renewing the soul and body..

Our communion in the bond of the Holy Spirit is of great significance for the fulfilment of God’s plan on earth
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Our Mission
“Heart to Hearts” is a platform that brings women from diverse backgrounds, and schools of faith united in the Gospel, for times of Fellowship in the Word, Prayer, and Edification.

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Beloved !
When a woman responds to the stimulus of God through His Word, she learns to appreciate His rest.The Father desires to raise women who will stand for the salvation of nations,