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We are living stones that constitute the building of the Church. Each of us has a specific place for beautifying the whole building, and God brings us together to make the edifice beautiful.

    About THE HOST

    Dr Annie Smith

    Dr. Annie Smith is an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who exhibits the unique qualities of the grace of God. She is married to Dr. Shawn Smith, the Apostolic Overseer of Gospel of Christ Ministries, and she shares in the divine mandate, “to present the revelation of Jesus Christ, the loveliness of His Person and the perfection of His work with excellence and clarity for the rising of the Glorious Church”. Committed to this mission, Dr. Annie leads diverse evangelistic outreaches and has organized numerous seminars for women through Heart to Hearts, a platform that addresses the spiritual well-being of women, purpose, grace, community, destiny, wholeness, education, marriage, and stewardship. She is the founder of the Youth Social Development Program (YSODEP), an NGO dedicated to empowering young adults to embrace their God-given purpose and become transformative leaders. Her published works include Burning with Purpose, Glossolalia: The Benefits of Praying in Tongues, and the bestselling Homolegeo (Confessions). She is equally together with her husband, the host of the Festival of Blessing, an divine initiative, intended to bring together the diversity within the Body of Christ in a unified, visible expression. For more, visit….

    In her academic career, Dr. Annie Smith serves as an Associate Professor, lecturer, and author. She holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Commerce and Distribution Management from the Catholic University of Central Africa (2001 and 2003), and a doctorate in Management Sciences from the University of Douala (2022). Her teaching career includes roles at the University of Bamenda Higher Institute of Commerce and Management, the University of Douala’s Advanced School of Economics and Business (ESSEC) and St. Jerome Catholic University. In 2023, she was appointed Associate Professor by The African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES).

    Dr. Annie has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. She frequently serves as a keynote speaker at international conferences.  Much of her research interests include in Marketing Information Systems and Customer Relationships, Public Service, and Market-Oriented Management. She is a Certified Trainer with the prestigious American Marketing Association and has been actively involved in Consulting and Executive Education. She has worked with a variety of companies, including Libya Oil Cameroon, Société Commerciale du Cameroun (TRADEX), and Orange Cameroon.

    Her philanthropic work includes founding and overseeing organizations like A New World Altogether (NWA), Institute for Professional Practices (IPP), and the African Gospel Association for Prisoners Evangelism (AGAPE), which support the sick, refugees, widows, orphans, and prisoners in Cameroon and neighbouring countries. Her dedication to humanitarian work was honoured with the Cameroonian National Humanitarian Award in 2014.

    Dr. Annie Smith is also an entrepreneur, having founded companies such as MAJ’S Travel & Services, Basileia Insurance, and the Centre for African Nations Education and Research on Public Administration (CANERPA).Her union with Dr. Shawn Smith is blessed with five children.

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    When a woman responds to the stimulus of God through His Word, she learns to appreciate His rest.The Father desires to raise women who will stand for the salvation of nations, 

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